Friday, 2 January 2015

Research Rationale

At my sixth form I have access to a large group of students aged between 11 and 18. I will be using this group to my advantage by handing out surveys, questionnaires and interviewing them to find out what magazines they like to read and what they would expect from a magazine.
To be able to analyse my data in the most effective way I will be conducting both qualitative and quantitative data. this way I can statistically analyse the data and have opinions and judgments to back up my analysis.

Through my qualitative and quantitative research I will be able to gain a better understanding of which audience is best suited to my choice of genre. This will help me to determine what colours, fonts, pictures and themes I should use in the magazine as well as what it should contain.

For my quantitative research I will will be using survey monkey. This will allow me to statistically analyse my findings and record them in a way that is easy to present. I will leave space for people to express their opinions and this will work as a little qualitative research as well.
My qualitative research will be done through a video of my focus group and an interview in the form of a podcast. The the video i will be asking three people what they like about front covers of magazines and covering a little on the price they would pay for a magazine. The podcast will be in the form of an interview where I will cover more on the content of a magazine. This will allow me to gain a better understanding of what my audience would like to see in a magazine.

The resources I will be using are survey money, the internet (web 2.0), video camera, microphone and pictures of three music magazine covers.

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